Soul Care

Soul Care

soul careThis program is aimed to address the spiritual, social and emotional well-being of all students in the school environment.

This program aims to provide a supportive and caring environment where students can reach their intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional and social potential and become independent and interdependent members of the community, able to contribute to a wide range of activities.

We aim to develop students who have high self-esteem, are responsible, are capable of making sensible, informed choices, and who can recognize their fundamental rights and responsibilities. Our key rights and responsibilities aim to assist each student in the School to come to a better understanding of what it means to show respect for all.

This program involves staff, students and the wider school community designing and implementing initiatives that focus on addressing the social and emotional well-being of each student.

This program is underpinned by an ethos of care and respect for all. The ultimate goal is to build the capacity of the school community to support each student to grow and develop and engage in meaningful and successful learning.